Monday, 8 June 2009

Engine hums and bitter dreams grow, heart locked in a Gran Torino.

Everything we have we owe entirely to the men and women of our military and the sacrifice of their families. Support the troops and we support our own continued existence. Those who do not, are merely part of the equation of the defeat, death and dishonour of the free Western Canon, and their own suicide at the hands of a more confident and determined mortal enemy. It's as simple as that. God bless our troops.

Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood.

"So tenderly your story is nothing more
Than what you see or what you've done
Or will become standing strong
Do you belong in your skin
Just wondering

Gentle now the tender breeze blows
Whispers through my Gran Torino
Whistling another tired song

Engine hums and bitter dreams
Grow heart locked in a Gran Torino
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long

Realign all the stars above my head
Warning signs travel far
I drink instead
On my own oh,how I've known
The battle scars and worn out beds

Gentle now a tender breeze blows
Whispers through a Gran Torino
Whistling another tired song

Engine hums and bitter dreams
Grow heart locked in a Gran Torino
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long
It beats a lonely rhythm
All night long."

Remember Me.

President Reagan's D-Day Speech in Normandy.


Colonel Robert Neville said...

Ah, another mass produced naturally "Anonymous" spineless criminal phony, as per usual.

Gee, I wonder why nearly all leftards and Islamofascists are "Anonymous?" It may be the lack of balls, spine and a brain.

YOU are not popular with successful intelligent and professional women, are you? Toodle ooh, ineffective twerpy bore. Yaaaaaaaawn...

Colonel Neville.

Colonel Robert Neville said...

Er, riiiight. So everyone agrees: you're beyond belief mad, thicker than mud and utterly, laughably and repellently incoherent. Carry on. Toodle ooh. Good grief. Where do such dysfunctional midget IQ wrecks come from? Colonel Neville.

Colonel Robert Neville said...

Continuing on from our examination of Patient B23: we note that he is in a permanent agitated state caused driven by extreme delusions that however repellent and absurd to the healthy, balanced and normal, are quite real to him. Such a mind is doomed to be forever trapped in a bizzare loop of meaningless attacks on his imagined enemies, who sadly to him can be well, anyone. Of course our concern is how dangerous such a barking mad bastard really is. That's why we chemically castrate and heavily sedate. And now to transfer the brain of this chicken into the brain of this caterpillar.

Colonel Robert Neville said...

Dear er, "Anonymous": bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! No really. Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Thanks for the great laughs and fresh straight from crazy town. Colonel Neville.